The Third Pillar of B2B Writing Success
Hey, How are you doing? I hope you are doing great. Sorry, for more than two weeks now, you didn't get to hear from me. Actually I was not around. Now that I'm back , you 'll get to hear from me. I really missed you all. In my last blog post, I discussed The Second Pillar of B2B Writing Success , which has to do with Prospecting . Hopefully by next week, I'll round up with the series of four pillars of B2B Successful Writing. Today, I'll talk about yet another important pillar Of B2B writing - Become a linchpin for each client. Meanwhile, l et me share with you the tale of two B2B copywriters. The first copywriter, Bill, gets hired by a B2B company to write a web page. He gets the information he needs from his new client, writes the web page, and submits the copy. A week later, he sends his invoice. The second copywriter, Debra, gets hired by the same company to write an email. She gets the information she needs from her new client, b