10 Proven Ways On How To Have An Effective Living

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Truly, mature adult or the well-adjusted person fails as often and perhaps more often than the maladjusted, since he attempts more. He is far more interested in correcting the failure and learning from it, than he is in attributing blame for it.

Therefore, he accepts the fact of failure, reappraises his goals and methods, and then either renounces, postpones, or substitutes satisfaction or reviews his attack on the source of his problem. Through all of this, he remains perfectly aware of “what’s going on”. He doesn’t try to fool himself.

Why should anybody feel it necessary to fool himself or other? Why do some people feel dreadfully ashamed of failure, when other people, while regretting it, chalk it up to experience and forget about it? Why do some people go to great lengths to conceal their fear, when others, even in crises, may not feel it at all, but do their best and take what comes “like men”.

The answer lies in the difference between the emotional attitudes of a well-adjusted and maladjusted people towards their environments and towards themselves. The former feels secure and confident. He trusts his environment, and he esteems himself.

To the latter, the environment seems hostile, and his self seems inadequate. No matter how comfortable and talented he really is, he feels insecure and inferior.
How can a person who is not sure of himself improve the quality of his adjustment? Regardless of what Psychiatrists base their personal methods of therapy, they agree on the following general rules of effective living:

1.      Maintain good physical health
Since adjustment involves the entire person, a person who seeks to improve his own adjustment should visit Physician. Notably, poor physical health will lower one’s zest for living.

2.      Do satisfy work
One of the greatest forces for balanced personality is the sense of satisfaction and completeness that comes from the successful conclusion of important work. Try to plan, undertake, and complete tasks that are socially useful and personally.

3.      Rest and recreation
Rest and recreation are valuable for several reasons. They increase physical well-being. They give undesirable emotions and ideas time to die out. If the work is temporarily difficult, recreation supplies satisfaction to balance the frustrations met in the work.

4.      Participate in society
 Society activity is a necessary as individual activity. People in a group forget their immediate difficulties, finding satisfaction in mutual achievements. Anxiety is hard to maintain among people one like and is liked by.

5.      Have a confidential relationship with another person
 One of the best ways to reduce tension is to talk about one’s difficulties to an equal. When a person communicates the nature of a problem to another mind, he is forces to consider it more objectively.

The role of confidential listener is not limited to Physicians, Psychiatrists, and Psychologists. Parents, wives and husband, Clergymen, teachers, and friends can prove themselves to be discreet and sympathetic confidantes.

6.     Plan and do something about every problem
Learning, vigorous and responses increase the odds of finding solutions to problems. Of course, mere random activity is not enough. One must use one’s objectivity and insight.

7.     Be objective
The objective person opens his eyes to the facts, instead of being blinded to them by desire. He is therefore, able to manipulate the forces of his environment to gain a balance satisfaction of his motives.

By paying attention to other people’s motives and feeling, he can compromise more easily on trivial issues to earn co-operation of important matters.

8.     Seek insight
Well-adjusted people try to be objective towards their own personalities are well as toward their environment. Normal people are able to evaluate their personal share of gifts rather accurately.

Of the wide range of possible careers and purpose presented by the world, they choose goals that seem achievable by their particular talents. They do not set standards so high that failure is likely, nor so low that life presents no challenge. Such people are realistic. They do not try to cover up their shortcomings and failures.

9.      Don’t take yourself too serious
The well- adjusted person can laugh at himself. He sees the ridiculous in his own conduct. In fact, the more mature a person is, the less he laughs at others – not only to spare their feelings, but because he knows he is now wiser

10. Live in the present
It is essential for good adjustment to live with each situation as it arises, and to attack it at once with all of one’s resources. Anxiety about the future and regret about the past do nothing to help one solve current problems.

In fact, they hinder adjustment, as we know, the past is to be learned from, and the future is to be planned for, but only in relation to one’s present difficulties.

Sometimes, of course, one’s difficulties are so great, or are caused by illness so hampering, that one must have professional help in overcoming them.

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