How Do You Measure Your Own Success?

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Happy New Year! and welcome to a brand new year, 2018.

As the year opens its new chapter, many people will like to sit back, and take stocks of, or reflect on those things they have achieved, gained, or those things they have made it happened in their lives last year, and termed them as success.

However, on the blog, I’m going to critically look at, what many people would call success, and possibly focus my attention on how to measure success, in order to appreciate what success really is. I just want you to sit back and enjoy the post. Are you ready? Let’s go!

The keys to success are not related to one background. Most people called millionaire in the world today were not born wealthy and few of them are graduates. Those ones over the years learnt all they could, worked hard, had definite plans and stuck to it. So you can! Your ability to measure success depends on what exactly you want in life; what dreams you hold, your goals and what will satisfy your sense of desire.

So, it is important that these are identifies and as well defined because our experts say “you can’t hit a target you want define and are not aiming”.

Defining your vision is the ultimate of your success. Of course, the world’s history is full of many names of successful people depending on their achievement. Truly, in the outward, those people have tremendous success but in the end, it did not give them a happy, satisfying, and successful life. That means they never found their own definition, their unique way of measuring success.

What you call success depends on you, your measure of success may not be right for anyone else. For many, success involves a level of financial wealth. For others, it may be size of their business, the impact of their leadership, or just making a difference in societal values.

Success can also be measure in the quality of our relationship with people, the children we influence, or by living a long and health life. We can make money, as many or few children as we wish, and we can have whatever we chose. But true success is about living well, about joy, and laughter.

Also,it is about watching sun rises and sun sets. It is about caring love about adequate finances and doing the work you love. All these are wonderful definition or measure, and all of them are within our reach.

However, these cannot be achieved at once! To define success effectively, there is a need to follow the rules of success, which have not changed, even over the years. Yes, they are rules of living well and achieving some measurement of success.

These rules are as following:
1.     Work hard
2.     Be smart
3.     Set your own goals
4.     Always tell the truth
5.     Be patience and persistent
6.     Live with integrity
7.     Love all and be worthy of being loved
8.     Follow your heart

As the New Year begins, it is vital that you methodically and carefully examine yourself, ask the question whether you have record a measure of success in the year 2017.

Nothing tells you more. But your business, more accurately foretells your future than an analysis of past results. Past results are your best predictor of future outcomes. This is essential to build your business, job, or career in the New Year – the year full of hope and great expectations.

As you create your goals and plans for the year 2018, start with a review of your ‘greatest hits’ and worst mistakes. Examine it and let it tells you what you do best, and where you need to improve. Let the past help you create the future you want!

Having done this perfectly, you will be able to answer the question of: How do you measure success? When posed on you.

I hope you enjoy this post. I’m glad you did. Once again, I want to say Happy New Year to all, and I want to use this opportunity to especially thank you particularly… yes, you my avid readers, for being there for me, for all these past years. 

Please kindly share this post. Thank you and bye!


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