How To Implement 5 Laws Of Business Success To Become Successful

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Is there a Law Of Success? Yes, there is. Can we learn what it is? We can. Why then successful men don’t let us know what the law is? Because such men themselves don’t know what is; for a time, they simply live by it unconsciously.

However, I found the law in the Bible, the greatest of all books. I saw it repeatedly for many years before I came to realize its true meaning, and I want to share it with you herein.

In today’s blog, I’m going to delve into the rules in the law of success, that a business owner, if applies in his business will witness tremendous growth and transformation. Not only that, it will ultimately make him to love people, and also have the love for God. Just relax and continue reading this post.

Success Rule # 1: Whosoever will be great among you, let him minister unto the people’s needs; and whosoever will be Chief among you, let him give service in their field in which he is most skilled.

Do the great become so really by ministering to the people’s needs? Washington, Bill GateAliko Dangote and many others become great that way. Henry Ford, who developed automobile and a mass production system, became great by “ministering” unto people’s needs. The same is true of other great industrialists, merchants and manufacturers.

How about the “Chiefs” among us, those who are not great, but still fairly successful? Do they become so by “giving services” in that field in which they are most skilled? 

Their service is often not to the masses of the people, I admit, but they do give service to a limited group of people or class. This is true of the successful businessmen, physicians, lawyers, artists, writers and educators.

If they attain any degree of success, they do so by giving services in the field in which they are most skilled. They may not be great, but they do rise above the common level and become “Chiefs” among us.

Success Rule # 2:Serve thy neighbor as thyself
Did the Good Samaritan simply smile kindly at the stranger in distress, sympathize with him, and pass on? No, he stopped to serve him. Love without service is no love at all.

Did Henry Ford serve his neighbor as he would serve himself? I can imagine him saying to himself- “If I were a man of modest means, what kind of car would I like to have… what price would I be able to pay… how long I have to use the car… how much upkeep expense could I afford?”

Then he proceeded to serve his neighbor just as he would serve himself if he were in the same position. Only a man with whom service is a passion would supply parts for car twelve and fourteen years old, as the Ford Company does.

I can hear Ford saying to himself, “If I were poor man, forces to buy an eight-year-old car at second or third-hand, in what condition would I want it to be… how long would I continue to need parts for it… how much gasoline could I afford to buy?” Unexpected rewards for service freely and eagerly given are what make men deservedly rich.

You don’t have to be a merchant or manufacturer to follow the two rules already given. You can follow them in whatever job you hold. For example, the employee of the merchant serves the customers; the employee serves also his employer. He serves his wife and children by providing for them. But if service alone will not bring success, what more is required?

For one thing, efficiency is required – efficiency is service. The parable of the ten talents ends with this quotation:

For unto every one that had shall be given, and be shall have abundance; but from him that had not shall be taken even that which he hath.” Let me make it clearer by paraphrasing:

Success Rule # 3: “For unto every efficient one shall be given, and he shall have abundance, but from him that is not efficient shall be taken away all the talents and all the money which he hath.”

Efficiency is not a matter of knowledge only, but a matter of feeling and spirit. We must be passionately devoted to given better service. Whatever we do must be done heartily, as if we are serving God instead of serving man.

Business owner must be fervent and enthusiastic; he must be watchful and alert to improve himself and services. And all this must be done, not for an hour, or a day, a week or a month, but for year upon year.

I can see my readers, right now, throwing up their hand and exclaiming “But I’m not built that way. I can’t maintain fervency or enthusiasm all day long for year upon year.” To tell the truth, no one can unless there is an intense and sustained feeling that drives him on.

Success Rule # 4: One cannot drive himself to success: one must be driven by dominant, constant and enduring emotion or mood.

Without this dominant emotion, the best of resolutions, the most intelligent of plans, and the keenest of inspiration will never be carried out. The mere knowledge that a dominant emotion may drive you to success does not automatically give you such a dynamo of power.

Where and how can you attain it? Briefly, the answer is: choose the dominant emotion must likely to drive you to success; and cultivate that emotion constantly.

I shall begin with the emotion which sometimes lead to success but which I don’t recommend. The first is greed or lust for power. Unquestionably, this is the driving force behind many apparently successful men. Usually, as in the case of Napoleon, Hitler or Mussolini, they over-reach themselves and ended in failure.

The second is fear of poverty. This is the driving force behind many moderately successful men. It leads many a man to earn a trade or profession and work reasonably hard at his job, but no man over achieved substantial success through fear of poverty.

The third is pride. Envy, the spirit of rivalry, the desire to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ undoubtedly inspires prodigious effort in some people and lead them to a success they might not achieve otherwise. But the use of pride as a chief motive is dangerous.

Now consider a motive which I do recommend, I doubt however, that many can energize themselves with it continuously without special talents. The name I give this motive is:love of work.
This is the motive that goads great artist, the great scientist, the genius in all fields to untiring and incessant effort. He is inflamed with zeal that his work becomes a joy and ecstasy.

Though there are many other emotions which occasionally drive men to success, only two are so frequently effective as to deserve mention here. These are: love of people; and love of God.

Success Rule # 5: Cultivate a love of people until your greatest desire is to make them happy. When this desire becomes an enduring passion for serving them, you will be driven to do everything necessary to succeed.

In short, only those passionately devote to giving more or better service, always to more people, can ordinary expect success; and such devotion can best be inspired by love for the people to whom the service is rendered.

Here is the dominant emotion we have been looking for the one that is without danger to your mental well-being, the one that is in harmony with every law of God and man, the one that can subordinate conflicting emotions which otherwise lead to inefficiency, and the one which will supply the driving force necessary to long continue application and inspired effort.

It must not be thought that love for people can be cultivated only through social activities; it can be strengthened in the ordinary contact of your business or employment. For example, the Merchant mingles with the customers, the salesman with the prospects and customers. Each through constant association learns to love his clientele, to enjoy making people happy through his service.

Nearly every great success involves sacrifice and prodigious effort possible only to a man dominated by strong and lasting emotion –usually a love of people, that attracts them to him and strong devotion to serving them that never let the man rest.

But there is one more important dominant emotion. It is religious zeal, or love of God. When you love Him whole heartedly, He will reward and grant all your efforts with huge success.

Let me stop here. I hope you enjoyed the post. I’m glad you did. Bye!


  1. need to complete 5 points and all? fair? are you serious? and we have been studying in univer for a long time to understand the one of the main questions of economics involves deciding upon the method for pricing goods and services! Didn't you think that we need work, everyday and hard!


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