How I fired my employer says B2B master, Steve Slaunwhite
Last week I posted a blog
with titled “Why B2B Copywriters Are in High Demand” in which Steve Slaunwhite explained
while granted an interview. For the benefit of those of you,
who are into copywriting, I felt I should share Mr. Slaunwhite’s experience with
you about his B2B writing career.
Read post: Why B2B Copywriters are in high demand
Steve Slaunwhite is the
recognized master of Business-to-Business (B2B) copywriting and a marvelous
teacher. But Steve's more than just a master B2B copywriter/trainer. He's a
multifaceted person with many interests.
Steve loves cycling. He
told me he loves to point his bike in an interesting direction and just go –
for two or three days. This summer he plans on cycling around Lake Ontario.
That's a 620-mile jaunt!
Steve also classifies
himself as a serious movie fan. As a young man, the Norman Jewison School of
Film accepted him to study. But he decided not to go in favour of what he
describes as the "safer" choice of business school. He did tell the
interviewer, Mr. Will Newman that he has some regrets about
his decision. I, for one, am glad he chooses a course that brought him to B2B.

Steve Slaunwhite
So, enough chatter. Let's
listen to Steve personally about his career.
" … Because I
didn't like being an employee"
Let me start by asking, have you always been a professional copywriter?
Steve: Like 90% of people in our
field, copywriting is a second career for me. My first job was in sales and I
stayed in that for about 10 years.
I liked sales, but I hated
being an employee. I desperately wanted to be self-employed and control my own
Originally, I considered
starting a sales training business, but when I discovered copywriting I
realized it was going to be a much better fit. And, of course, it was.
Freelance copywriting was
my ticket, and I've been a freelance copywriter for nearly 20 years now.
Will: When you started
copywriting, what niche or niches were you in? Did you enjoy writing in those
Steve: My last sales job was in
the building materials industry. So when I started copywriting, those were the
type of companies I targeted. I admit, my early prospecting efforts were clumsy
at best. It took me a while to get a handle on the types of companies that were
good prospects for my copywriting services.
By the way, that's the key
to successful prospecting: keeping refining your approach!
One niche that worked very
well for me early on was software companies. I didn't know much about software
at the time, but I learned fast. The same thing goes for
transportation/logistics companies. I've done a lot of work for UPS over the
A niche that did NOT work
well for me was advertising/design agencies. I didn't like the way they treated
freelancers. Working with them, I felt pushed around and treated like a temp
employee. One day I decided never to work for agencies again – and I never did.
It was the best decision of my career.
Will: How did you get
started in B2B? Who or what got you started? Did you connect with the niche
right away or did you have to "grow into it?"
Steve: I didn't pick B2B. It
picked me.
When I started as a
copywriter, I imagined myself writing direct mail sales letters for publishing
companies – just like my copywriting heroes did. But I kept getting calls from
B2B companies asking me to write websites, email campaigns, short-copy direct
mail packages, etc.
Soon working with B2B
became my specialty.
Will: Did you have any
formal B2B training?
Steve: When I started out in the
mid-1990s, there was no internet and no training programs that I could find.
The best I could do to learn the craft was read copywriting books – and there
weren't many of those either!
So, yes, I learned by the
seat of my pants.
If there were training
programs available back then, I would have signed up for them all. That would
have saved me a lot of time, helped me get more successful faster, and steered
me clear of all the mistakes I made. (I made a LOT of mistakes when I started
Will: You are now a master
B2B copywriter as well as an expert trainer. Why do you enjoy writing B2B so
Steve: Where do I start? I like
the variety. One day I get to work on a white paper, the next day an email
campaign. I like the fascinating products and services, especially the new
stuff. I particularly enjoy working with business owners. (I focus on smaller
companies specifically so I can work with business owners.)
I get a lot of satisfaction
writing for companies and seeing my work get good results for them. And … the pay is
good … very good!
Will: If you had to start your
career over, do you think you would start with B2B or would you start in
another niche and then move into B2B?
Steve: There's no question about
it. I would start with B2B.
Will: You're an expert B2B
trainer. I've seen you at Boot camp, and you seem passionate not only about the
niche, but also teaching other people about it. Why do you enjoy teaching about
B2B so much?
Steve: Next to writing for
companies, teaching is my passion. I love developing and delivering workshops.
Every time I discover something new that helps my business, I want to teach it
to others.
The downside is that I've
created a lot of competitors! But I don't mind. Nothing pleases me more than
when someone says I've helped them build a successful copywriting business. The
way I see it, the more top-notch B2B copywriters there are in the marketplace,
the better it is for all of us.
Will: Do you think B2B is a
good entry niche for new copywriters?
Steve: I do. Two reasons: One,
there are thousands of B2B companies, so a copywriter will never run out of
Two, there are dozens of
niche markets within B2B. So chances are, a new copywriter will find an ideal
Will: What about
copywriters who've been writing for a while; do you think B2B is a good niche
for them to "reinvent" themselves?
Steve: Definitely. In fact,
experienced copywriters have a head start because they're already solid writers
and understand marketing well. The number one thing I hear from B2B clients is,
"There are a lot of copywriters around. But it's tough to find a GOOD
Will: How long would it
take the average copywriter to learn the ropes of B2B?
Steve: Depending on how much work
you put into it, two or three months. That's the time you need to learn the
fundamentals of B2B copywriting and also learn the specifics of writing the key
marketing pieces: websites, emails, blogs, white papers, case studies, etc.
Of course, your learning
accelerates when you start work on actual client projects.
Will: Could both entry
level and experienced copywriters make a decent living starting out?
Steve: Copywriting is like any of
the other traditional "self-employment" businesses. (Consultant, real
estate agent, massage therapist, life coach, that sort of thing.) It takes work
and determination to succeed. You have to learn copywriting, set up your
business, and promote and hustle to land your first few clients.
But … it's worth it.
There's nothing better, in my opinion, than a copywriting business with a loyal
base of great clients. It's worth the work to get there.
That being said, how long
it takes depends on many factors. But if you work diligently, you should be
able to make it into the high five figures in the first year, and break six
figures in your second.
Will: Could you tell us
about your greatest B2B triumphs?
Steve: I wrote a direct mail
sales letter for UPS that got more response than any other direct mail package
they tried. That was certainly good for my ego!
I also helped launch a
company by creating their company name and writing all their key marketing materials.
They are now the number two player in their (very competitive) niche.
Will: Is there anything I
haven't covered that you'd like to share with our readers?
Steve: B2B copywriting is a great
business. But like any business, it takes work to succeed.
Having read this excerpt, you can make up
your mind to achieve your dream in B2B Copywriting. It’s in your hands.
Also read: Five phases of copywriting success
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