Why authenticity is the key to being a great Writer

Today is the last day in the year 2015; I thought I owe my readers something that will inspire them to be a great Writers in the coming year. In my blog post, I’m going to discuss why authenticity is the key to being a great writer. Sit back and read this.
One of the nicest things about being a writer is the many sources that inspire ideas. Unlike other 9-to-5 professions such as a structural engineer or IT network designer, those living the writer's life can turn just about anything, no matter how big or small, from simple conversations with others to household chores into colourful stories.
Like songwriters who hear notes in their heads, or photographers who visualize a photo before they pull out their cameras, writers have the ability to "see" how sometimes ordinary experiences can be the basis of good writing.
Often that good writing is a reflection of your personality … how you see the world. Now add to the mix the fact that you can earn a good money and, well, why would you choose to do anything else?
There's a common misconception among people pursuing the writer's life. It's that one day; you'll figure it all out. Get it right. Hit the Promised Land. Not to be a bucket of ice water on your dreams, but … there's no such thing.  I've figured out that making a living as a writer, it's this: There is no endpoint. No platinum level of achievement. No finish line.
But what you get instead is SO MUCH BETTER. That is … as long as you let your freak flag fly. Here's what I mean. Making your living as a writer blurs the lines between profession and identity. Unlike people who clock out, shed their uniforms, or pull off a badge at the end of the day, your "writer's brain" never turns off.
As writers, we get to pursue projects that align with our dearest interests. So taking time out from writing to garden or build a model ship easily circles back around to writing about it.
Similarly, every conversation overheard is a potential seed for an article. It could be a headline. Or even the plot to a full-blown book! This means your journey to success as a writer is often taken alongside your journey to success as a freelancer or entrepreneur. I'll concede that yes, the craft of writing — and copywriting in particular — can be learned by anyone.
But a successful career in paid writing requires a few other things. Sometime like heart, soul, and dedication. Confidence is another biggie. Courage helps a lot. "Flying your freak flag" is a modern take on authenticity. It's about being okay with who you are. It means to stand tall with pride for what you offer the world.
If you're reading this, you're probably a writer, or you dream of becoming one. And that, my friend, is your freak flag. It's something that makes you a little different from the normal, workaday world. The things we want aren't exactly in line with the status quo. For starters, we don't believe in settling. We know we've got what it takes to bring about radical, out-of-the-ordinary change in our lives.
And to pull it off, we have to let our freak flags fly. So my question to you for today is this: What does it mean for you to succeed as a writer? If you put yourself out there, what would your authentic professional writer's life look like?
Remember, you're answering this question for yourself, not anyone else. Think of it as the first step toward satisfying authenticity … not to mention an insanely gainful New Year.
What would it mean to you to "fly your freak flag" and be the writer you dream of being? I'd love it if you tell me in the box below. Thanks!
I wish you all Happy New Year in advance.


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