#Blogging Tips
Blogging is an incredibly effective and efficient way for writers to reach their target audience and build writer platforms. In other words, it’s a great method for writers to find engaged readers and more success with their writing.
 In this post, I’ll share eight simple, but super effective tips (that not all bloggers use) for writers to find more success with their blogging efforts.
Blog Your Way to Success!
Have you read an e-book titled - blog your way to success written by Robert Lee Brewer? By the way of instruction, Robert Brewer is Senior Content Editor of the Writer’s Digest Writing Community. He is a prolific writer who has carved  a niche for himself in the field of poetry.
He also leads online education, speaks on writing and publishing at events around the country, and does other fun writing-related stuff.
This e-book -blog your way to success is an eye-opener for all  newbies, who want to learn fast on how to blog your way to more success as a writer with this super-charged bundle of blogging instruction that is available at a super-discounted price.
Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate blogger, use this great resource in blogging because this can increase your chances to produce good contents that keep your keen readers coming back again and again to read your posts.
Of course, what do think will be the resultant effect of churning out great posts? Your readers will increase astronomically high, thereby making you to succeed as a Blogger.
In the e-book, Robert Lee Brewer, X-rayed some important points for Bloggers to use to jump-start their blogging career.
Here are the 8 blogging tips for writers to find success:
1.      Create a niche for your blog. Bloggers who have a niche for their blog can use that to determine everything from the best name for the blog and content. Plus, readers appreciate a blogger with a defined niche so they know what content to expect over the long haul.
2.      Craft an editorial calendar for your blog. Once you know your niche, start figuring out your editorial calendar. This simple tool helps bloggers plan out and create top notch content and avoid the dreaded “blogger’s block,” which is writer’s block for bloggers.
3.      Put blog readers first. Many bloggers get into the game thinking of how it might help them out with their goals, but I’ll tell you right now that the only way to consistently get anything out of blogging is to always (ALWAYS) put your readers first. Always!!!!
4.      Design readable blog posts. You don’t have to be a super design whiz to have a professional-looking blog. However, try to include at least one (relevant) image in each blog post. When possible, break up text with headers, make lists, and keep text concise.
5.      Track your blogging success. I’m a “content first” person, pure and simple…but I also believe in using tracking to help figure out what works and doesn’t work. Tracking helps me guide what content appeals to my readers, which products sell, and so much more.
6.      Plan out blog posts in advance. An editorial calendar can help bloggers plot out posts on a macro level, but this planning is dedicated to plotting out (ahead of time) how you want to attack posts on a post-by-post basis. A simple outline works wonders for me.
7.      Develop a blog post promotion plan. A lot of blogging success comes from just developing consistent systems, whether it’s related to developing content or sharing that content with your readers after the post goes live. Know how you’re going to share posts.
8.      Utilize guest posts for blog success. Guest posts are a “two way” street of blogging success; they’re a win-win; they’re just great. When done well, guest posting helps out the host blogger and guest blogger increase their audiences.
Looking at these 8 tips critically, one can then conclude that the highlighted tips are not a trick or gimmick. These strategies help immensely and also your readers who ARE expecting some good stuff from you will not be disappointed in your contents.
 BLOG you way to success! Share this post please.


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