Reason Why Most Bloggers Don’t Make Money Blogging And How You Can


#Writer's life
In the blog, reasons why most bloggers don't make money blogging will form the basis of my discussion today. By the time you finished reading the post, you will know those things you need to totally avoid, if you really want to make money.
Unlike years ago, when professional bloggers like John Chow and Darren Rowse came on the blogging scene, making so much money from blogging. Now, blogging is however comparatively easier to operate mainly due to:
  • a lot of exposure 
  • timely guidance
Earning decent money within the first few months of blogging is not tough these days. Still, there are a lot of newbies and intermediate bloggers out there who find it difficult to earn a substantial income from their blogs.  Why?

 Let’s explore the reasons.

1) You have no Writing Skills
I don’t understand why bloggers tend to ignore this fact. You need to possess writing skills for creating a decent piece of blog.

 True, no one is a born writer and second, you cannot afford to hire a writer when you are struggling to even pay internet connection, so learning to be a better writer makes sense, doesn’t it?

 Where is the quality of your blog? Advertisers want quality content. Think about it.

 2) You are only depending on AdSense
Move over AdSense, right NOW!  If you are creating a blog just to earn money from AdSense, you’re making a big mistake. Don’t get fooled by those online AdSense reports. The bloggers who earn thousands of $$$ with AdSense probably have more than 50 blogs running AdSense.

And did you honestly think you can achieve the same amount of success with just one blog? Really!

Don’t create blogs for AdSense. Even Google doesn’t want that. Even if you want to make it the main earning model, start with at least 20 blogs at once. Do you have the manpower or money for this? No? Then don’t be a cry baby!

3) You are not a Marketing Ninja
Okay, not everyone has clever marketing skills. I don’t have but I still make a decent amount every month, so I must be doing something ‘right’.

 What are you doing to market blog posts? Just some Facebook and Twitter shares will give momentary traffic spike but they don’t work in the long haul.

 Think – is your content worth marketing?

 Be truthful and honest to yourself. If the answer is a resounding “NO”, then first learn to create marketing-worthy content and then reach out to advertisers.

4) Your Blogging Niche is NOT Profitable
If the chosen niche doesn’t have any takers, who can you blame for not earning anything?  The first step towards making money from blogging is to choose a profitable niche. Blogging is a medium to connect with a particular segment of readers. However, the topic of your blogging medium needs to be in demand as well.

 Niche matters a lot when you want to earn from affiliate marketing, which is definitely not easy. Most bloggers and marketers fail for not finding and sticking to niches that sell. 

5) You are not Networking
Business means networking. You cannot ever have a profitable business if you don’t know how to network with others.

 Sign up on any of the popular social networking sites to start connecting with fellow bloggers. Facebook would be a good first option. You can join blogging groups, talk to experienced bloggers and learn from them.
  • Mix with the crowd.
  • Help others.
  • Become popular.
The idea is to make others recognize your blog. Not only will it send referral traffic, you will find other bloggers eager to advertise on your blog.
 Making money from blogging is not tough. Start using that grey matter (brain!) God has given you.

Let us share ideas how you can make money from blogging by commenting in the box below.


  1. More than eyeing the goal, we should really work on the process. Thank you for listing these important points to consider on why a blog is not delivering the expectation of the owner. Hope your readers will keep this in mind! Great post!

    Tom Hall @ WCS Solutions

  2. Mr. Tom, I think so even though they are not commenting here. Thanks so much for dropping your comment and as well as commending the post.

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