How Do You Fancy People Having A Tattoos On Their Bodies?


A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment.

Nowadays, it becomes trendy to see many people especially youngsters tattooing all parts of their bodies. My question is, how do you fancy any person that you know has a tattoo on his or her body?

What is so fascinating about it? It is all about pop-culture that many younger people are plugged in that make then to start tattooing their body? What special appeal do you have for them? These many questions are begging for answers.

Tattooing of a body is very prominent among the popular celebrities in music, acting, and entertainment industry around the world. In the last FIFA world cup held in Russia, I noticed that 80 percent of the Footballers of many countries had tattoos on their bodies. The tattoo designs take different shapes or form and these celebrities were happy to show off their tattoos.

I must say here that I’ve seen many tattoos in different forms and sizes. Some of the tattoos look so horrible to me. I don’t know if you can still remember this American actor, Michael Scofield in the film – Prison Break? Imagine this young man having a tattoo of a Prison design or layout on his body.

Today’s post will focus on the greatest tattoo coverage in the history of mankind. While carrying out research, I saw a man that tattoo almost part of his body except for his ear and I want to share it with you.

His surname almost sounds like a leopard. His name is Tom Leppard.




                                                                Tom Leppard
The most tattooed senior citizen is Tom Leppard (UK), who has 99.9%, of his body covered. Tom, who resides on the Isle of Skye, opted for a leopard-skin design, with all the skin between the dark spots tattooed saffron yellow.

 SCOTLAND’S Leopard Man’ is a former soldier who was previously awarded a Guinness Book of World Records accolade for being the world’s most tattooed man.

 Tom Leppard - real name Tom Woodbridge - is close to 85 years, and is believed to have spent over £5,000 on body modifications, with his skin, almost entirely covered in a leopard-like pattern. From 1987 until 2008, he lived in a bothy or small hut, on the Isle of Skye, in the Inner Hebrides, using a kayak to reach the mainland where he bought supplies and picked up his pension on a weekly basis.

Although he now lives in a larger house on the island, he spent nearly two decades living in his remote bothy, without electricity; an earthen floor, and metal sheet roofing completing his small abode. His bed was made from polystyrene board, his cooking was done on a small stove.

  He chose to leave his primitive dwellings by Loch naBèiste when a friend offered him the chance to move to the village of Broadford. At the time, he told The Guardian in an interview: “I have no interest in a TV or a radio. Nor do I want a telephone. “My life hasn’t changed much - I never bothered people when I lived in the bothy, and they didn’t bother me, and I’m not really that interested in what else is going on outside.”

 Leppard was with the armed forces for just shy of 30 years, and decided in the late 1980s to live alone in the Scottish Highlands.

 Perhaps surprisingly, he didn’t acquire any tattoos during his military service but chose to get them as a way of making money, but he admitted in the same interview that he didn’t enjoy the publicity.

Although he lost the Guinness World Record to street performer Lucky Diamond Rich in 2006, Leppard said he had no regrets about the path his life had taken, adding that he was content with life. What a lifestyle!


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