
How social media can increase your company’s value

Some companies don’t think social media matters. They think their company can’t benefit from it, nobody is going to read their posts, or that it’s a waste of time. But those companies are wrong. There are many ways that having an active social media presence can benefit your company. Here are some examples. It can raise brand awareness You can use hashtags on photos on Instagram or posts on Twitter to get your content in front of potential followers. Folks who search for content with those specific hashtags will see your post. Social media can also make your brand seem more favorable. By adding a voice to your company, you are personalizing your brand. Potential customers will be more likely to follow or utilize your services. You can grow your sales Recently, Facebook is scaling back on the amount of followers who will see your posts, but you can alleviate this and gain more visibility by using paid advertising. However, even without the use of paid ads, social med

Giving Your Blog a Unique Voice

Giving your blog a unique voice is paramount important. Why? Because your blog needs a voice. Like Pavarotti, it can resonate with power that is full of sophistication. Or, like Dave Grohl, it can scream and shout with disenfranchised angst. 
 It can even sing sweetly like your grandmother or quietly hum in the background like the Andy Griffith Show theme song. But make no mistake. If you are going to build a tribe-if you’re going to relate to your audience and make a difference at all-your blog will need a voice. Why your blog needs a voice Your blog is not you. It is not your personality. 
 It does not have your brain or your body or the sum of your life experiences. It cannot think for itself. It doesn’t have a soul. But it needs a voice. Your blog, regardless of how you’ve branded it, is separate from you. It can, by no means, represent all the complicated nuances of your persona. Even if your blog is about you, it’s not you. It can’t be. Your blog is an enti

Largest hairy family

When I first saw this picture, a lot of things were racing on my mind. I was just wondering how a whole family of four can have hairs in their faces. Digging further, I discovered that they are having health challenge. Victor "Larry" Gomez, Gabriel "Danny" Ramos Gomez, Luisa Lilia De Lira Aceves and Jesus Manuel Fajardo Aceves (all Mexico) are four of a family of 19 that span five generations all suffering from the rare condition called Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis, characterized by excessive facial and torso hair. The women are covered with a light-to-medium coat of hair while the men of the family have thick hair on approximately 98% of their body apart from their hands and feet. Larry and Danny currently perform in the Mexican National Circus. All members of the family assisted scientists with the analysis of the gene responsible for CGH and as a result, significant evidence was found for linkage with several markers from the long arm of

6 Ways To Keep Your Readers Coming Back For More Content

Creating new content is a challenge. It seems everyone has said everything there is to be said, and you might feel left trying to rehash old news. But don’t worry: that’s only a feeling. While there is a lot of content out there, there is still plenty of room to add your own voice and create a wave in the noise. You, too, can create new content that will bring original value to your reader base. All of these things contribute to keep your site interesting and engaging: 1) Develop Engaging Content:  Engaging content can mean a number of things, ranging from interesting topics of discussion to reviews of pertinent information to anecdotes from real-life people to add flavor to your blogging. Developing engaging content is progresses steadily through learning what doesn’t work as much as from what does work. Content doesn’t always have to be writing. In order to incorporate text and images on content, a lot of sites have begun adopting the use of info graphic image