Longest head hair (female)

#Lifestyle Throughout the world, women are noted to have endowed with long hair. Though some women’s hairs are short, while others are long but there are others that are so long that they break the record and wrote their names in the Guinness book of record. Read post: Longest nose on living-person. Long hair is a hairstyle where the hair is allowed to grow to considerable length. Exactly what constitutes long hair can change from culture to culture, or even within cultures. For example, a woman with chin-length hair in some cultures may be said to have short hair, while a man with the same length of hair in some of the same cultures would be said to have long hair. The world's longest documented hair belongs to Xie Qiuping Xie Qiuping from China has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13. She now holds the record for the longest female hair with a length of 5.627 metres (18 feet 5.54 inches) when last measured. That's...