Writing feeling stale? Try a little translation for change.

Writer’s block is a mighty beast. It catches every writer off guard and sometimes, it takes month–if not years–to shake off. Sometimes, it feels like nothing is conquerable in the mind of the lost writer. But I want to propose a solution to your daily writer’s block, so that you can still apply your creative muscles while also putting something into your own words. How about a little translation? Translation is a loose term. To some writers, it literally means the word for word transference of a text into another language. This is perhaps the noblest path–the author of the original text will likely not want their phrases, metaphors and linguistic structure to be compromised by the misinformation of incorrect words. But to others, translation is less of a science and more of an art, for lack of a better word. Nearly every one of Shakespeare’s plays was written before by another playwright, poet or historian, but few will tell you that Shakespeare was unorigina...