How To Write Blog Posts (Even When You Really Don’t Want To)

#Writer's life When you have to write a blog post you don’t want to, time stands still. Despite the intriguing sci-fi possibilities of time standing still, it’s not at all helpful for your blog. I write thousands of words each week for blog posts and I’d be lying if I didn’t say there were posts or days when I looked at the screen and groaned. “How am I supposed to write about that?” I often think, allowing myself about 30 seconds of a writer pity party before diving in with a tried-and-true system that has worked for me every time. Here’s the key: That system is custom-tailored for me, and it’s in place ahead of time. It’s not too difficult, really. There is a basic two-step approach that taps into your current writing abilities, helping you come up with a way that works with you, not against you, when you’re faced with the World’s Most Impossible and Uninteresting Blog Post Assignment Ever . Top of Form Bottom of Form 1. Figure Out How You Write Let...