7 Streams Of Income That Can Make You a Millionaire

Most people have a job, and that means they have to show up to work every day. In exchange for doing this, they get paid, either by the hour or with a monthly salary. And while many people consider this a necessary part of life, I’m here to tell you it’s not. Here’s why. When you trade your time for money, you limit the amount of money you can earn. And that’s true no matter how much money you make. The key to earning passive income is to trade less of your time for more money. Let me give you a brief example. (We’ll talk more about this later on this blog post.) Just imagine that you want to earn that $84,000 a year; you would have to work 3,640 hours a year. (People who work a 40-hour week “only” work 2,080 hours a year.) And all those extra hours won’t contribute to a happier life, either. Sure, you would be able to pay the bills easier and maybe send your family off on a nice vacation (You won’t be able...