7 Reasons Why People Make The Wrong Choice Before The Marriage

The constant dissatisfaction, the rush, the way how we try to make everything happen fast — these are just some of the things that force us into making decisions that would be better not to make sometimes. We say yes to things that with a clear mind we would never do so, but then and there it looks like the correct decision, like something you have to make — even without any idea of why. Maybe it’s because you feel lonely; maybe because it is like that for too long already. And there you go The next moment you are already into something that’s harder to get out from than anything else before. But there might be a lot of reasons why you find yourself in the wrong relationship. This is what we are talking about today. 1. Lust of the flesh Lust of the flesh or a craving for sexual gratification is by definition a strong desire. Instead of using courtship to build and nature friendship, commitment and ensuring qualities like golly character, virtue, integr...