
Showing posts from October, 2017

Ready To Roll Your Great Idea? What You Need To Know Before You Take The Leap

                                          #Business Hey! Last week, I shared a post titled “ how to turn your idea into quick money . I must say that the viewership of that particular post was quite amazing. Thanks immensely for being avid readers to my blog. It is great to have a million-dollar idea. Before you translate those fine ideas into money, that your idea must be analyzed, test and proven to be viable to make an impact on others before you get to the market to cash in.  On the blog, I am going to discuss something that is related to the last post, and also share an experience of Mr. Kazi Ahmed of Beaverton , Oregen, who had conceived an idea, held up for a while and did extensively research of the product before launching into the ma...

How To Turn Your Idea Into Quick Money

                                  #Business There is a philosophical dictum that says “ Great ideas make a man great ”. I don’t know if you will agree with me on this assertion. But for me, I strongly believe it. In today’s blog post, I am going to take you through on how you can develop good ideas, and then turn them into money. Just relax and continue reading the post. Did you know that developing an idea could be easy and interesting? Yes!  You need to have money to make money. But have you realized that good ideas are priceless? Money is needed to make more money. But the issue of making money has been over flogged that it now becomes an excuse for not even venturing into it. Most wealthy businessmen you know of  today, some of them that pioneered or promoted the big industrial companies, employing hundreds of person were men of ideas, who were able to translate their...

This Couple's Wedding Photos Are The Most Beautiful Things On The Internet

                                                                         Photo: Courtesy of Ricardo Quintana #Lifestyle  You might think that very attractive people who share pictures of themselves on social media would be not at all surprised by the attention they get. You might also think that it would go to their heads, making them very annoying to speak to.     But Salt Lake City couple Thad Nelson and Aren Muse were absolutely not expecting their wedding photos from September to become the hottest thing on Twitter last week, and their humble and hilarious reaction to their sudden popularity is possibly even more attractive than their beautiful flowing locks.   ...

How To Launch Your New Product And Make Super Sales In A Crowed Market

                                     #Business Hey! In my  last post , I discussed how an entrepreneur can adopt certain strategies to win big corporate accounts. I hope you enjoyed that particular blog post. In furtherance to the DISCUSSION on how to overcome fears and beat competitors in their own game in business, today on the blog, I’m going to take you through on how to launch new products in the saturated market and still hit  big sales  . Recently, I came to realization that a lot of new products fail not necessarily that they are not good or meet the needs of the customer, but they fail because of the problems I’m going to delve into in this post. Products  or services  supposed to be the live wire of any organization or firm. If these products fail in the market , it can cause a lot of damages and if care is not taken, sooner or later,...