21 Strategies To Beat Writer's Block

#Writer’s life Hello, How are you doing? It quite a while you guys have not heard from me. I’m so sorry I didn’t inform you that I’ll take a break . I want to use this opportunity to thank all my keen readers who have been dropping by to read my blog posts. Thank you! What should I write about today? Hmmm… I’ve got nothing. No ideas about what to write. No anecdotes bouncing around my head. No pithy themes or witty openings. So what should I do now? In other words: I have a full-blown case of writer’s block. For some writers it’s a once-in-a-while affliction. For others it can be downright chronic. So in today’s blog post, it is going to be self-medicating for me too. Data scientist and researcher Stephen Bennett compiled a list and infographic with 21 tips and strategies for how to beat this cursed affliction. Number 1 sounds good right about now (take a nap) but I think Number 4 will produce the best results for me (stop digital d...