An Unexpected Way to Express Yourself

#Creativity It's Thursday and this is going to be my last post for this month. Thanks for sticking with me so far. I'm going to start today's blog with this question: Think words are the only way to express yourself? Words may be the best way for us as writers, but they're not the only way. Here's what I mean. I recently I read about a travel blogger who took up painting during one of his early trips. Now he creates a treasured piece of artwork on every single one. This not only nurtures his spirit and makes his memories more tangible, it has made him a better blogger. Look at his creations and you can pretty much feel the emotion in every brush stroke. Numerous studies show a positive link between painting or drawing and productivity . Some scientists even believe creating visual art can change your brain, not to mention reducing cortisol levels and normalizing heart rate and blood pressure. Have you ever been to a party or...