We put up with a lot of craziness on blog. However, you can push up too far, frustrate us, and send us away. This post is not about content. There’s a thousand ways to annoy visitors with content. No, this post is about design elements, the little things added to blogs and websites that make people bare their teeth and click away. One or two negatives and they might just roll their eyes and read on unless they are having a bad day in which case you’re out of luck. The list includes my personal peeves, common Internet peeves, and the results of my survey from writer’s forum. Truthfully, there are hundreds of things you can do to irritate your visitors, but these are the top annoyances. To be clear, you should not do these things . Have music or sounds playing as soon as the page loads. People visit at all times of day and night. Don’t wake the baby! Don’t alert the boss! Don’t make me listen to music I don’t like! Auto-loading music ...